释义 |
肉粉 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?肉粉 ... powdered magnesium 镁粉, 粉状镁 powdered meat 肉粉 powdered milk n. 奶粉 ...
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Hardest to find is cooking oil, but chicken, powdered milk and cheap varieties of cheese, along with sugar and meat, are also scarce. 最难找到的是食用油,不过鸡肉、奶粉和各种廉价奶酪,以及糖和肉也很少。 - 2
Such as flour dispersant, the additive of powdered milk, candy, pudding, spice and meat, refined addition agent of animal or vegetable oil , yeast food and so on. 如作面粉抗结剂(分散剂),奶粉、糖果、布丁、调味品、肉类的添加剂,动植物油精炼剂,酵母食料等。