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结合砖 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?拉结砖 ... bonding agent ==> 结合剂,保税授信机构,键合剂=>接着剤,结合剤 bonding brick ==> 拉结砖 bonding capacity ==> 胶合能力,胶结能力,胶结性能 ...
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Brick works in high-temperature furnaces, maybe tiles on the shuttle, to resist high temperatures because of the high internal bonding. 砖在高温熔炉中工作,比如航天飞机上的贴的砖,因其强内部键可以抵抗高温。 - 2
That is to say brick work in high temperature furnaces, maybe tiles on the Shuttle, to resist high temperatures because of the high internal bonding. 它在能够承受高温炉的温度,例如瓷砖,能够耐受高温,因为它们有强的内部键作用。 - 3
Suitable for glass, aluminum material, stone, concrete, brick, ceramic, plastic, non-structural bonding and sealing. 适合于玻璃,铝材,石材,混凝土,砖瓦,陶瓷,塑料间的非结构性粘结密封。