债券等价收益率(Bond equivalent yield):因为一般在美国,债券是半年付息一次,那么债券等价收益率指的就是有效的半年的收益率×2. 也就是一个是一年的,一个是半年的 .
... 债券的美元价格 dollar price of bond 债券等值收益 bond equivalent yield 债券约定书 indenture ...
债券等值收益率- 汗维 计算,其收益水平便无法直接与较长期的公债相比较。 参见 Bond Equivalent Yield 债券等值收益率(Bond Equivalent Yield,BEY) 目录 ? 什么是债券等值收益率 ? 债券等值收益率的例子[1] ? 参考文献 什么是债券
相等的 ; 等价债券收益率
Now to put that into context, the equivalent UK bond yield is around 2.2% and Germany's is 1.8%.
BBC: France squeezed by markets
For a taxpayer in the top federal bracket of 35%, a 3% dividend yield is equivalent to a 4% yield on a taxable bond.
FORBES: When Patience Pays
That move reduced all equity and high-yield bond exposure, creating 50% cash or cash equivalent allocations across all portfolios.
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