释义 |
- n.矿工;连接杆
- n.(Pitman)人名;(英、德、塞)皮特曼
1 ?摇杆 ... pitch diameter节圆直径,中径 pitman摇杆,连接杆 pitting麻点 ... 2 ?连杆 180-185柴油机连杆孔研磨装置控制系统设计_论文 关键词:连杆,改进,效率,主运动,进给运动 [gap=1087]Key words:pitman,improve,efficiency,primary motion,feed motion 3 ?匹特曼 Pitman(匹特曼)实用英语ESOL(English for Speakers of Other Languages)是中国最新自欧洲引进的国际权威实用英语考证,主要检测认定考生的实际英...
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For years, Mr. Pitman, the U.S. Marine ecologist, has searched the world's rivers and oceans for rare species of dolphins and whales. 多年以来,美国海洋生物学家Pitman足迹遍及世界各大河流和海洋,搜寻稀有的海豚和鲸鱼。 - 2
That respectively does the academic calculation and ADAMS simulation for steering trapezium and pitman arm mechanism, and optimizes the steering characteristics. 分别就转向梯形机构和转向摇臂机构进行了理论计算和ADAMS仿真,并对转向特性进行了优化。 - 3
Dr Pitman and his colleague Dr John Durban helped a BBC film crew capture their behaviour for the TV documentary series Frozen Planet, to be shown later this month. 皮特曼博士和他的同事,约翰?德班博士,帮助BBC拍摄的虎鲸捕食猎物的纪录片,冷冻星球,将在这个月的晚些时候上映。