The markets desk at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has been testing out such a program and held a telephone call with Wall Street bonddealers last week to discuss it.
纽约联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)的货币市场交易台一直在试验这一项目,上周还与华尔街债券交易员打电话讨论此事。
One of the foremost Asian antiquities dealers, Giuseppe Eskenazi, who helped organise the show and who owns a gallery off London's Bond Street, is widely respected as knowing the field.
GIUSEPPE ESKENAZI帮助组织了这场展览,他在伦敦的邦德街拥有一座画廊,而且作为亚洲古董的一个重量级交易商,他因在这方面的知识而广受尊敬。