释义 |
bushland 英/ ?b???l?nd / 美/ ?b???l?nd / 1 ?灌木丛 ... wetlands沼泽地, bush land灌木丛, tropical rain forests热带雨林, ...
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The project offers an iconic shape in a landscape that is a vast, flat bush land. 在这平坦的灌木土地上,伫立着一个标志性的、形状标新立异的建筑,这真是一大奇观啊! - 2
However, some of the positive trends represent woodland and bush encroachment into rangeland and farmland - which is not generally regarded as land improvement. 尽管如此,部分积极的发展趋势表现为林地和灌木丛对牧场和农田的侵占,这通常不被认为是土地改善。 - 3
Florida, for example, already did most of the spade work, including land acquisition and environmental-impact and ridership studies before Bush quashed its first HSR effort five years ago. 比如佛罗里达州,前期的准备工作已经完成大半,包括征地、环境影响测评和运载能力研究,这些在5年前第一次建设高铁的尝试被布什州长阻止之前就已经完成了。