释义 |
1 ?塑粘上 ... argil 陶土 potter's clay 塑粘上,陶土... china stone 瓷石,半风化花岗岩... 2 ?陶土棕 陶土棕(Potter's Clay) 又一款谦和接地气的大地色,恰到好处的调色,不高调不含蓄,带点亮意的色彩,却充满浓厚的秋冬气息,偏橙红色的陶土棕还带着一股... 3 [陶瓷]?陶土 ... argil陶土 potter's clay塑粘上,陶土... china stone瓷石,半风化花岗岩...
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First evidence of the item was in diagrams on ancient clay tablets: there were pictures of a potter's wheel that was used in Ur in Mesopotamia, c. 3,500 BCE. 这种东西最早见于刻在古代粘土书写板上的图画中:有些图画描述了公元前3500年左右,古美索不达米亚的乌尔城曾经使用了陶轮。 - 2
She gave away her potter's wheel and kiln and began concentrating on the clay, with which she makes everything from necklaces to large works of art. 她放下了陶工旋盘还有烧窑,一心一意集中在软陶上,她用软陶制作了小至项链,大至大件的工艺品。