释义 |
- adj.坑坑洼洼的
- v.(为消遣而)探索洞穴(pothole 的过去式和过去分词)
1 ?坑坑洼洼 况且,马路上很多地方坑坑洼洼(Potholed),这都是对你的响应和本事的检验。人生哲理名言第60条:你有你的生命观,我有我的生命观,我不干涉你。 2 ?崎岖 ...changing environments and circumstances ? 最大的挑战已在方案拟订机器人的能力,以适应不断变化的环境和情况 potholed ? 崎岖 Upgrade and modify cost free of charge. 3 ?马路 andjust为乐可以弹出他们的泡沫的气焰 potholed ? 马路 that it's too late to apologize, it's too late.. 4 ?到处是坑的 ... marked 有记号的 pocked 动词pock的过去式,动... potholed 到处是坑的,崎岖不平的...
- 1
The rubbish-strewn streets, potholed and still usually made of mud, are jammed with traffic. 垃圾满地的街道通常仍然由泥铺成,崎岖不平,交通阻塞。 - 2
The rendezvous is set for a ramshackle building beside a potholed road on the outskirts of Blagoveschensk. 见面地点约在了Blagoveschensk郊外一条崎岖不平的路旁一处摇摇欲坠的建筑物里。 - 3
New York almost went bankrupt in 1975; by the early 1980s, its streets were potholed, filthy and dangerous. 而纽约自1975年濒临破产后﹐到80年代初期仍是千疮百孔。街上满是坑洞﹐肮脏与危险。