释义 |
- n.合理化:为自己的行为、决策或信仰提供合理的解释,以使其看起来正当或可接受。
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经济学 合理化 Finally we make an analysis to the final results and propose rationalization. 最后针对计算和模型模拟的结果进行分析,并提出合理化建议。 理性化 The change of consumers includes the change of customers’ role,individuation and rationalization of customers buying behavior. 消费者行为的改变包括消费者角色的转变,消费者购买行为日趋个性化、理性化。 地区主义
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法学 合理化 Finally, the rationalization proposals is given to make judicial accounting appraises standardized and to improve the quality of the report of judicial accounting. 最后,提出规范司法会计鉴定工作,提高司法会计鉴定报告质量的合理化建议。 理性化 "Rationalization" was an important proposition that Webber had been paying close attention in his study of sociology. “理性化”问题是韦伯在其社会学研究中一直关注的重要命题。 正当性
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It's as if hand-washing in any form "wipes the slate clean" and removes the residual feelings and rationalizations associated with the choice, Lee said. 李说,这就好像任何形式的洗手都能“一笔勾销”,消除与选择有关的残留感觉和合理化。 - 2
It would be interesting to hear what their rationalizations are. - 3
They’d make excuses and come up with rationalizations as to why they couldn’t better themselves. 他们会找借口,想出合理的理由为他们不能提升自己做辩护。