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As if to prove the point, the China-Japan summit appears to have done nothing for Mr Fukuda’s approval ratings, which are plummeting. 本次中日首脑会面似乎没有对福田 正在直线下滑的支持率造成任何影响,这一现象恰好验证了这一观点。 - 2
The second part, from the programming side, the TV point of view, find and developed live sports programming affected the ratings of a number of factors. 第二部分,从节目制作方,即电视台角度出发,发现并研究出影响体育赛事直播节目收视率的一些因素。 - 3
There is, however, an upper limit on the voltage that can be applied where you can no longer bias for symmetrical swing about the idle point without exceeding the plate dissipation ratings. 但是,有一个上限的电压,可套用在这里您可以不再为对称摆动偏见的闲置点不超过板耗散评级。