释义 |
1 ?活塞面积 ... 升功率volume power 活塞面积piston area 单位活塞面积功率piston unit area power ... 2 ?活塞行程 ... PISTON DIA. 活塞面积 PISTON AREA 活塞行程 PISTON STROKE 最高使用压力 ...
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The result show that the piston area and the accumulator volume have more influence on the system 's performance, and the piston stroke... 结果表明,活塞面积和蓄能器体积对系统性能影响比较大,而活塞最大行程和油液弹性模量对系统性能影响较小。 - 2
YS-1600 piston pressure gauge specifications include: accuracy class, range, piston area, piston chassis and connectors, special weights, interface thread and so on. YS - 1600型活塞式压力计的技术参数包括:精度等级、测量范围、活塞面积、活塞的底盘及其连接件质量、专用砝码质量、接口螺纹等参数。 - 3
YS-1000 piston pressure gauge specifications include: accuracy class, range, piston area, piston chassis and connectors, special weights, interface thread and so on. YS - 1000型活塞式压力计的基本参数包括:精度等级、测量范围、活塞有效面积、活塞底盘及其连接件和专用砝码质量、接口型式等参数。