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辐射,全身 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
When we talk about people being exposed to radiation, we use units called rems or sieverts, which measure the biological effect for whole-body radiation. 当我们说到关于被辐射接触到的人们,我们用雷姆或西韦特来表示辐射吸收剂量的单位,用来衡量全身的辐射生物学效应。 - 2
Once it has got into the blood, it is distributed so widely that it becomes a whole-body dose of radiation. 一旦它与血液融合,便会随着血液流遍全身,全身的血液变因此含有放射性的元素。 - 3
The human body treats it like potassium, an essential element, and it can penetrate soft tissue and muscle to give off whole-body radiation, he said. 人体将他当成钾(一个重要元素),它可以穿透软组织和肌肉使整个身体受到辐射。