...辐射防护仪器.用于探测与鉴定放射性核素和指示光子辐射的环境剂量当量率的手持测量仪器 英文名称: Radiation protection instrumentation - Hand-held instruments for the detection and identification of radionuclides a..
...名称: 辐射防护仪.在国家边境地区探测放射性和特种核材料安装的辐射监控器 英文名称: Radiation protection instrumentation - Installed radiation monitors for the detection of radioactive and special nuc..
...辐射防护装置.液体流出物或表面水体中β及γ辐射放射性核素连续控制设备 标准/规范英文名: Radiation protection instrumentation - Equipment for continuously monitoring beta and gamma emitting radionuclides i..
...辐射防护仪表.氡和氡降解产品的测量仪器.第3部分:氡降解产品的测量仪器的特殊要求 英文名称: Radiation protection instrumentation - Radon and radon decay product measuring instruments - Part 3: Specific requir..