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1 [土壤]?潜在肥力 ...下反映土壤生产能力的那部分肥力,又而受环境条件和科技水平限制暂不能被植物利用的那部分肥力称为潜在肥力(potential fertility)。土壤生产力(soil productivity):土壤产出农产品的能力。 2 ?潜在的肥力 ... 潜在的抵触 potential conflict 潜在的肥力 potential fertility 潜在的顾客 potential buyers ... 3 ?肥料潜在力 ... 潜在主顾;潜在顾客 potential customer 肥力潜在力 potential fertility 肥料潜在力 potential fertility ... 4 ?肥力潜在力 ... 刺激 刺激物 刺激源 色质 stimulus 肥力潜在力 potential fertility 肥料潜在力 potential fertility ...
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Range of soil types suitable for agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry various types of production, higher potential fertility. 土壤类型丰富,适宜农、牧、林各类生产,潜在肥力较高。 - 2
The analytical data revealed that the potential fertility of the dryland soils was rather low, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in soil were deficient on the whole. 分析数据表明,该区旱地土壤潜在肥力较低,有机质含量差异较大,大部分土壤氮、磷、钾养分供应不足。 - 3
Despite their "natural" origins, they are not free of potential side effects, such as high blood pressure, digestion trouble, fertility problems and depression. 尽管它们来源于“自然界”,但它们不能摆脱潜在的副作用,如高血压,消化麻烦,生育问题和抑郁症等。