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Extrarenal volume depletion is a possible reason for low blood pressure, high aldosterone excretion, and potassium loss. 肾外血容量减少是低血压、高醛固酮排泄、血钾丢失的一个可能原因。 - 2
Know the symptoms of potassium loss, which include muscle cramps, muscle weakness, irritability, and sometimes irregular heartbeat. 认识钾流失的症状,这包括肌肉痉癴,肌肉无力,烦躁和有时候会有不规律心跳。 - 3
Sodium retention, fluid retention, congestive heart failure in susceptible patients, potassium loss, hypokalaemic alkalosis and hypertension. 高钠,心力衰竭患者容易发生钾损失,低钾性碱中毒和高血压。