释义 |
- 在检查中:在医学或学术方面进行详细检查或评估的过程。
1 ?经检查 ... 包装不善 inadequate packing 经检查 on examination 严格检查 rigid inspection ... 2 ?经过调查后 on examination 经过调查后。如: On examination I found the goods of poor quality. 一检查我就找出了这些质量低劣的货物。 3 ?考核日 ... 今天真是开心的一天! ? What a happy day today! 考核日 ? On examination 我不可以睡觉 ? I could not sleep ... 4 ?检验 ... make an examination of 检查 on examination 检验, 察看 pass an examination 通过[没通过]考试 ...
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On examination the tumor may have the following characteristics: painless nodule, shiny and waxy, indurated, firm and immobile, pearly, rolled border, and small telangiectatic vessels. 检查时可发现该肿瘤有如下特征:无痛性结节,表面光亮呈蜡样,质硬不活动,有珍珠般光泽,边缘卷曲且有小的扩张血管。 - 2
On examination, it found that of its 9m records of vendors, customers and materials around half were obsolete or duplicated, and of the remainder about one-third were inaccurate or incomplete. 在一次检查中它发现,在900万条供应商、客户和原材料记录中有差不多一半是过期或重复的,剩下的有三分之一不准确或有缺失。 - 3
So whenever you find yourself getting angry about a difference of opinion, be on your guard; you will probably find, on examination, that your belief is going beyond what the evidence warrants. 因此当你发现你自己对不同的意见气恼时,你一定要警惕;通过检验你或将发现,你的信念并无足够的依据。