释义 |
通过粪便 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?排便 ... 异常习惯 abnormal habitude 排便 bowel movement; defaecate; defaecation; defecate; defecation; dejection; egestion; fecal discharge; lax; loosen the bowels; pass stool 异常咬合习惯 abnormal occlusal habit ...
- 1
It is contained inside the fiber and acid solutions of visceral plot elements can be hot, Qingzao Runchang pass stool, the lungs, stomach heat are most suitable for consumption, heat fruit. 它里面含有的纤维质及酸素能解内脏积热,清燥润肠通大便, 是肺、胃有热者最适宜食用的清热水果。 - 2
No, I don't think she can pass any stool just now, but have brought her diaper with me, maybe you can get some from the diaper. 不行,我想她现在便不出来,但是我已经把她的尿布带来了,或者你们可以从尿布上取点大便。 - 3
Parent: Yes, I'11 try. /No, Idon't think she can pass any stool just now, but have brought her diaper with me, maybe you can get some from the diaper. 可以,我试试看。 /不行,我想她现在便不出来。 但是我已经把她的尿布带来了,或者你们可以从尿布上取点大便。