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- 及格分数:在考试中必须达到的分数,以便成功通过考试。
1 ?及格分 ... full marks满分 pass marks及格分 credits学分 ...
- 1
The bank lets students "borrow" marks so that they can pass exams, and then repay them in later tests. 银行允许学生“借”分数以通过考试,然后在以后的考试中偿还。 - 2
The woman, identified only by her family name Cha, has repeatedly scored between 30 and 50 marks, below the pass mark of 60 out of 100. 这位被确认姓车的女性,多次在考试中得到30至50的分数,低于满分100的60分及格线。 - 3
Kobe Bryant can grab a court-length pass, allow the final seconds to tick away, tuck the ball under his armpit and then sprint around the floor, leaving sneaker marks. 科比布莱恩特接得住跨越球场的长传;能够控制住比赛局势,让最后的几秒钟在他的手中一点一点地逝去;能够把球夹在腋窝下,在球场上左冲右突如入无人之境,只留下一串球鞋的印记。