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1 ?外岛 ... Other Folk 异人 Out Islands 外岛 Outislander 外岛人 ...
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Abaco, the archipelago further north of the Out Islands, is made up of: Great Abaco, Little Abaco, Man-O-War Cay, Elbow Cay and other small islets. 位于外岛北部的阿巴科群岛包括大阿巴科、小阿巴科、曼沃岛、埃尔博岛和其他小岛。 - 2
Every year, rowers taking part in the Atlantic Campaign set out from the Canary Islands in December and row about 4,800 kilometers across the Atlantic. 每年12月,参加横渡大西洋运动的划船选手们从加那利群岛出发,划船约4800公里横渡大西洋。 - 3
After the tsunami, for example, relief workers assumed devastation in remote islands that turned out to be relatively unscathed because the locals had escaped to higher ground. 比如,海啸过后,救援人员估算到偏远岛屿的毁坏程度,结果,相对来说那里没有遭受损失,因为当地人已经逃往较高的地方。