释义 |
1 ?色铅笔 它全部是用彩色铅笔(pencil crayons)画出来的——它的笔触温暖朴实,特别是那种柔和的暖色调,与这个冬夜里发生的梦幻般的故事吻合极了。
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Students should bring pencil crayons and scissors to each class. - 2
Further other helpful materials that I would like your child to have includes a glue stick, coloured pencils (pencil crayons), coloured felts, a pair of scissors, a sharpener and ruler. 此外,我还希望您给孩子准备一个胶棒、彩笔、水彩笔、剪刀、削笔器和尺。 - 3
Suitable for crayons, markers, chalk, watercolor or poster paints, or, of course, a pencil. 适合蜡笔,记号笔,粉笔,水彩或海报油漆,或,当然,一支铅笔。