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1 ?单人座 ... one-piece 整块的 one-seater 单人座 one-shot 只有一次的 ...
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The next steps are to finish a go-kart–size one-seater EV prototype, boost the system's power, and perfect that car's on-the-move recharging. 下一步准备完成一个微型赛车大小、单座的原型机,而且提高系统功率并完善车在移动中的充电功能。 - 2
THE first Fisker Karma, a luxury four-seater high-performance electric car, will be delivered to its first customer, one Leonardo di Caprio, on July 21st. 第一辆下线的Fisker Karma豪华四座高性能电动车,将于7月21日交付这款车的第一位车主——莱昂纳多·迪卡普奥。 - 3
It contains a health club with a gym and dance studio, at least one swimming pool, a ballroom, guestrooms, a variety of lounges and a 50-seater cinema. 房子包含配有健身房和练舞室的健身俱乐部、至少一个游泳池、一间舞厅、数间客厅、各类休息室以及一个50座的影院。