释义 |
1 ?一点透视 One-point perspective(一点透视):一点透视就是说立方体放在一个水平面上,前方的面(正面)的四边分别与画纸四边平行时,上部朝纵深的平行直线与眼睛的高度一致... 2 ?单点透视图 一、单点透视图(one-point perspective) 在单点透视图(one-point perspective)中,平行线在远方汇聚到一点 上,造成景深(depth)的效果。 3 ?专业资料 贡献者:网络收集 23771454626 1、2点透视画法_图文 1、2点透视画法_数学_自然科学_专业资料。一点透视(one-point perspective) 一点透视 所谓一点透视是指一个立 方体与画面、地现平 行,并与视线成垂直状 态.. 4 ?二画 二画 one-point perspective 二虎相争 when greek meets greek then comes the tug-of-war; yahoo vs qihoo ..
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A perspective can have many views, but it can have only one editor, which is the focal point of the workbench. 一个透视图可以有多个视图,但只能有一个编辑器,该编辑器也是工作台的焦点所在。 - 2
Of course, from a hardware perspective, you must have more than one XC10 appliance to avoid having a single point of failure. 当然,从硬件角度看,必须拥有一个以上 XC10 设备,以避免只拥有单个故障点。 - 3
From the JMS perspective, as mentioned earlier, one of the most prominent changes has been to combine point-to-point messaging and publish-subscribe into a single domain. 如前所述,从JMS角度看,最显著的更改之一是将点到点的消息和发布-订阅合并到单个域。