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1 [矿业]?一构件支护 ... 一次采全高 full-seam mining 一构件支护 one-piece set 一梁二柱棚子 three-piece set ...
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It is far easier to migrate, test and integrate one small piece than to attempt to do the same with a larger set of functionality. 对一小块功能进行迁移、测试并集成比对一大块要容易得多。 - 2
This was important to Milton, - and one of the big set-piece speeches in Paradise Lost -- - and you may remember it if you've read that poem -- is the hymn that begins "Hail, wedded Love." 这对弥尔顿来说是至关重要的,在《失乐园》中有一个让人印象深刻的片段-,如果你们读过那首诗也许还记得-,那是一首赞美诗,以“致敬,已婚的爱情“开头 - 3
Instead, each of the Hadoop computers was working on a formula that turns a complicated equation for PI into a small set of mathematical steps, returning just one, specific piece of PI. 但是Yahoo的这次计算采用的方法不同于此,取而代之的是,每个Hadoop电脑都在运行一个公式,这个公式将一个PI的复杂方程变成小的一系列的数学步骤,但只返回一个具体的PI片段。