释义 |
1 ?单相短路 ... one-way phase switcher 单向相位转换开关 one-phase short-circuit 单相短路 one-way phase-switcher 单向移相器 ...
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Damage be divided into two: one is a good set of stator shielding, and the occurrence of stator windings, the breakdown phase, the coil turn-to-turn short circuit, overload caused by burnt windings. 损坏情况大体分为两种:一种是定子屏蔽套良好,而定子绕组发生对地、相间击穿,线圈匝间短路,过载而造成绕组烧毁。 - 2
The situations of the 11 phase brushless exciter in case of faults such as open circuit of one of diodes, short circuit of one of diodes, are analyzed. 故障工况包括一个二极管支路断开及一个二极管支路短路情况。 - 3
Two Solutions to the model equivalent parameter estimation are proposed, one based on the three-phase short-circuit capacity, this method works with good computational speed, but accuracy is not high; 对该模型提出两种求解方法,一是基于三相短路容量思想的等值参数估计,计算速度快,但精度不高;