释义 |
- 1
She was allowed to bring one Private Member’s Motion a year, so she would try single-handedly to repeal the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, or propose a minimum wage for blacks. 她被允许每年搞一个起诉下院议员活动,因此她将尝试单独地废除禁止异族通婚法案,或提议一项黑人最低工资制。 - 2
You can’t save the whole world single-handedly, and we can’t all be aGandhi or a Mandela, but you can certainly make a difference one personat a time. 你不能单手拯救世界,我们不可能都成为甘地或曼德拉,但你一定可以一次一人来改变。 - 3
I saw my mother one hand and holds bun skin, so that single-handedly kept he circling, soon, a lovely bun Yuangun successfully born. 只见妈妈一手捏着包子皮,一手不停的让他转圈,不一会儿,一个圆滚可爱的包子就成功出世了。