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安妮女王 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
One day a man I worked with, Ryan, who had his office next to mine, said, "Leah, let's go and look at this space on Queen Anne." 有一天,和我一起工作的隔壁办公室的莱恩说:“莉娅,我们去看看安妮女王的所在之处吧。” - 2
In June 1533, Anne was crowned queen. - 3
The writing explains that the vessel contains “the greatest heart that had any lady in the world”. Anne, Duchess of Brittany was twice queen of France, marrying, in turn, Charles VIII and Louis XII. 铭文解释说,这个容器盛放着“世上最伟大的女子之心”---布列塔尼女公爵安妮,先后嫁给查理八世和路易十二,两度成为法兰西王后。