释义 |
1 ?胰淀粉酶 ... maltogenic amylase 生麦淀粉酶 ; 麦芽淀粉酶 ; 芽糖淀粉酶 pancreas amylase 胰淀粉酶 amylase test 释义淀粉酶试验 ; 淀粉酶试验 ...
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The results showed: the vires of lipase, amylase, trypsin and entire albumen enzyme of pancreas reached their peak value on 4,14,10 and 17 d, respectively; 结果表明:在胰腺中脂肪酶、淀粉酶、胰蛋白酶和总蛋白酶的活性分别在4 ,14 ,10和17日龄达到峰值; - 2
The indexes observed were intestinal transmit index, bacterial translocation rate, serum amylase, histological score of the pancreas and the level of D lactate. 检测指标包括:肠道转运系数、血清淀粉酶、脏器细菌移位率、胰腺病理评分、血浆D 乳酸等。 - 3
Results: The granules of the pancreas in rats with chronic pancreatitis signs, symptoms, such as improvements in varying degrees, can effectively reduce blood levels of serum amylase levels; 结果:胰康颗粒对慢性胰腺炎大鼠的体征、症状等有不同程度的改善,能有效降低大鼠血清血液淀粉酶的含量;