释义 |
1 ?帕米尔高原 印欧语系(Indo-Europeans)部族的发源地至今仍众说纷纭,其猜测的范围包括西起中欧、东至帕米尔高原(Pamir Mountains) 的欧亚草原地带的广大区域。 2 ?帕米尔山脉 喀拉库尔湖位于比海平面高1.3万英尺(3900米)的塔吉克斯坦帕米尔山脉(Pamir Mountains)中,直径16英里(25公里),靠近中国边境。
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The room's balcony took in a breathtaking view of the river Amu, which shimmered in the sunlight beneath the Pamir mountains. 这个以木为墙的房间的阳台可以看到阿姆(Amu)河震撼人心的景象--阿姆河在阳光下闪烁着粼粼波光从帕米尔山脉下流过。 - 2
The main road left from Xi'an, going either to the north or south of the Taklamakan desert, one of the most arid in the world, before crossing the Pamir Mountains. 主要的道路就是从西安出发,要么沿着塔克拉玛干沙漠(世界上最干旱地区之一)的北部行走,要么沿着塔克拉玛干沙漠的南部行走,然后再跨越帕米尔高原。 - 3
It is covered by mountains of the Pamir range, and more than fifty percent of the country is 3,000 meters (approx. 10,000 feet) above sea level. 境内由帕米尔山脉覆盖,百分之五十的地区在海拔3000米(大约10,000英尺)以上。