释义 |
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Together they ascend up to the rooftop. Elsa cautiously cups the butterfly in her little palms, letting it flutter away, melting into the far-off night sky. 二人一同上公寓天台,丽莎把蝴蝶小心翼翼托掌心中,让蝴蝶翩翩飞走,没入遥远的夜空。 - 2
Method of use: Take proper amount of the product on your palms with some water, apply to your face and gently massage, then rinse off with water. 使用方法:湿脸后,取适量于掌心,涂抹于面部轻轻按摩,再用清水洗净即可。 - 3
After cleaning foot, apply an appropriate amount onto the palms of your hands, massage foot with circular motion, rinse with warm water, wipe off water. 洗净双足后,取适量于掌心,以环状方式按摩足部,用温水冲净,擦干即可。