释义 |
- v.吹嘘得比别人更厉害:在夸耀或炫耀方面超过别人。
- 1
Remember, you never know when you might work with your former team members again, so don't brag or complain on your way out. 请记住,您永远不会知道什么时候您可能会与您以前的同事再次共事,所以,不要在您即将离开时炫耀或抱怨。 - 2
Don't brag - Don't boast about your new position, say how happy you are to 'get out of here,' or talk about your higher salary. 不要炫耀——不要吹嘘您的新岗位说一些什么“离开这里”您有多开心之类的话,或者说您会的更高的薪水。 - 3
No longer just another piece of paper in a stack of resumes, online job-seekers have more power than ever to show off, brag and stand out. 这不再是一堆简历中的废纸一张,网络求职者们有更多的资历来炫耀、展示自己从而脱颖而出。