Permanent injury ? 永久性损伤 what should we do keep healthyqusetions abovs ? 保持健康,我们应该怎样做 ..
...的工作,在工作中不断的进步和学习,可称为 happy,I 的是我希望你能够认出我,给我这个机会感谢您 Permanent injury ? 永久伤害 ok that is my pleasure ? 好吧这就是我的快乐 ..
...用工作,只做瑜伽和伸展 ? The next day my boss told me do not work, only yoga and stretching 永久的伤 ? Permanent injury 你们会是最幸福的,因为你们将会是我生命的重点 ? You will be most happy, because you will be the focus of my life ..