) 【英文名】Perjeta(pertuzumab) 【中文名】帕妥珠单抗注射剂 【适应证和用途】PERJETA是一种HER2/neu受体拮抗剂,应与曲妥单抗[trastuzumab]和多西他赛[docetaxel]联用,人群为:既往未曾接
Perjeta(乳腺癌)罗氏 罗氏一直是乳腺癌治疗领域的龙头企业,公司开发的Perjeta和赫赛汀一直是HER-2阳性乳腺癌临床治疗的经典药物。
Perjeta is a genetically engineered molecule that targets the HER-2 protein, the same protein targeted by the drug Herceptin.
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While Roche has already launched one of the potential blockbuster, Perjeta, in several markets, it has also filed approval applications for T-DM1.
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Suppose in a best case scenario that the six month delay in progression caused by Perjeta leads to a six month delay in death.