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non stationary random process 1 ?非平稳随机过程 ...非平稳随机过程; 极大似然估计 [gap=995]n system; time series; ARMA(pq) series; correlation coefficient ARMA(pq) series; non-stationary random processes; maximum likelihood estimation ..
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Some topics, such as the implication of non-station ary, equivalence of non-stationary random process, and power law process, are studied. 其次,证明任何一个非平稳过程都可以用可数个调制非平稳过程来模拟或等效。 - 2
For a typical earthquake record, if the duration of its stationary portion is rather short, such a record should be described in terms of a non-stationary random process. 对于一个典型的地震记录,如果地震平稳段持续时间较短,采用非平稳随机过程描述其地震动特性较为合理。 - 3
The dynamic measurement is a non stationary random process varying with the measuring time. The dynamic measuring data have the characteristics of time variation, randomness, correlation and dynamic. 动态测量是随测量时间而变化的非平稳随机过程,动态测量数据具有时变性、随机性、相关性和动态性四个基本特性。