abbr. 美国油籽加工商协会
n. 上复层, 超复
...的网络操作系统或dNOS上,AT&T希望通过Linux基金会将其发布到开源软件中,协调工作将由基于软件的开放式网络自动化平台(ONAP)进行管理。 除了白盒硬件之外,开源的软件与操作系统同样至关重要。
To help answer these questions, ONAP held a meeting with key housing stakeholders last Thursday, December 17, 2009.
WHITEHOUSE: Office of National AIDS Policy Blog
The meeting is part of a series of discussions that have been hosted by ONAP over the past year.
WHITEHOUSE: Blog Posts Related to the African American Community
In December, ONAP and OMB will review the submissions by the agencies.
WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward to Implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy | The White House