释义 |
- n.斗牛士挥动红披肩诱躲牛之攻击时的躲闪动作
- n.(Pase)人名;(意)帕塞
1 ?派雪香水 ... pase/派雪香水 SPECIALX/诗柏轩香水 Barrio香水 ... 2 ?无钥匙进入与启动系统 ...为汽车进入系统智能时代核心技术 汽车进入系统历经几十年的演变,逐渐由机械式、遥控式转向无源式PASE系统(无钥匙进入与启动系统),并且PASE系统简单易用、方便快捷已经逐渐被消费者所 关键字: 汽车??智能??PASE??BLE??NFC?? 防止汽车USB电路电池短路故障――...
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You are at ease, I certainly don 't fails to ive! Study properly and pase the ideal school! 您放心,我一定不辜负您的期望!好好学习,并且考上理想的学校! - 2
Prior to this, in order to run PHP, you would need to setup a PASE environment, compile PHP and follow a set of configuration steps. 在此之前,为了运行PHP,需要设置一个PASE环境,编译PHP,而且还要完成一系列的设置步骤。 - 3
PASE Group, Inc. manufactures equipment for the food, paint and coatings, chemical, petroleum, personal care and beverage industries. PASE集团公司为食品、涂料、镀层、化工、石油、个人用品和饮料领域提供设备。