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医药科学 匹罗卡品 Methods:In this study,the Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly enrolled in SRS group、NSRS group、Normal group. The lithium-pilocarpine model of epilepsy was established. 研究方法:建立氯化锂—匹罗卡品大鼠颞叶癫痫模型。 毛果芸香碱 Conclusion The results suggest that 1% pilocarpine liposome extends the duration of its action. 结论:1%毛果芸香碱脂质体滴眼液对兔眼缩瞳作浙江大学博士研究生论文用强、而且具有延长作用。 匹鲁卡品 Results Two different epilepsy models have their characteristic behavioral changes. No neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting were found in pilocarpine kindling model. 结果两种模型的行为学特征有所不同,匹鲁卡品点燃模型中未见神经元丢失及苔藓出芽现象,戊四氮癫痫持续状态模型中无神经元丢失,但明显出现苔藓纤维出芽现象。 毛果云香碱
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