释义 |
otorrhea 英/ ??t??r?? / 美/ o?t??ri? / - 1
医药科学 耳漏 耳流脓 Otorrhea and progressing hearing decrease were the major symptom in all cases within which 43 of tinitus,26 of ear pain,11 of vertigo,1 of total unilateral deafness,50 of bilateral choronic otitis media and 15 of revision surgery were found. 病程1~50年,平均21年。 症状包括耳流脓史及渐进性听力下降,主诉耳鸣患者43例,耳痛患者26例,眩晕患者11例,患耳术前全聋1例,对侧耳慢性中耳炎50例,既往中耳乳突手术史15例。 耳溢液 耳液溢
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