释义 |
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文学 他者 The women image constrctured by media is based on the what men imagine others(women). 媒介所建构的女性形象,是以男性对他者(女性)想像为基础。
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管理学 他者 To discuss teacher identity from the others’approach, three topics are selected to analyze: teacher face, trust and professional learning community. 为了从他者的视角深入地讨论教师自我的身份认同,本章选取了教师面子、信任和专业学习共同体等论题展开分析。
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If I mess up, I must accept that and not try to put the blame on oth-ers. 如果我做得不好,我必须接受,并且不把过失推卸给别人。