... mold from its heater platen by the using the locating ? 通过使用的定位及其加热器屏式从删除模具 other places ? 其他地方 Is she a great singer who is like a boy? ? 她是一个伟大歌手谁是像一名男童?
被生活放逐的梦想不得不遁入艺术领域,浪漫主义和超现实主义诗人都曾为梦想作过辩护,但是,梦想作为生活之别处(other place)的事实,并没有因此被改变。
... ⊙ 等离子显示屏 PDP ⊙ 军工事业 Military career ⊙ 其它领域... Other place ...
other place ? 其他地点 On three occasions, while talking with townspeople who know Donald, we were advised, in strikingly similar language each...
另一处 ; 地狱 ; 另一个地方
外乡 ; 生活以外的某处