释义 |
角符号 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?角征 间接征想: ① 肝叶非对称性增大,形态失常,下缘角变钝: 角征(angle sign)。肝表面结节样突起:驼峰 征(lump sign)。
- 1
I put a vector sign over here, because you have to take the cross-product between the two, so you take the... sine of this Angle has to be taken into account. 在此加一个向量标志,因为必须要,算这俩的乘积,所以,sin这个角度必须,考虑在内。 - 2
So I simply have, in my small-angle approximation, t It's approximately, but I still put an equals sign there. 所以,在小角度近似值中,就等于mg, that, I, can, make, t, the, same, as, mg。,这是近似值,但是依然写等于号。 - 3
From the Angle of semiotic study, if we take a literary work as a sign, its signified is the message it conveys. 从符号学的角度,如果把《红字》作为一个符号,这个符号的所指就是文学作品传达给读者的信息。