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1 [解剖]?骨盆 ...女性骨盆(pelvis)是躯干和下肢之间的骨性连接,既是支持躯干和保护盆腔脏器的重要器官,又是胎儿娩出时必经的骨性产道,其大小、形状直接影响分娩. 2 ?骨盘 椎,最下方与构成骨盘(Pelvis)的荐椎连结.约在脊椎骨的中间有个成为椎孔的空 3 [解剖]?肾盂 肾盂癌46例的CT诊断分析 - 医学论文发表 - 论文秘籍网 关键词】 肾肿瘤;肾盂;体层摄影术;诊断 [gap=1624]Key words】 Kidney cancer; Pelvis; Tomography; Diagnosis 4 ?盆腔 ...例分析)(4000字)_医学影像论文 关键词】 妇科;盆腔;肿块;体层摄影术;X线计算机;临床诊断 [gap=836]Key Words:Gynecology;Pelvis;Mass;Tomography;X-ray computed;Clinical diagnosis ...
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A walker broke his arms, legs, and pelvis yesterday when he plunged 80 feet from a rocky pinnacle. 一位步行者昨天从80英尺高的尖锥形岩石上摔下来,摔断了胳膊、腿和骨盆。 - 2
Scans of his chest, abdomen, and pelvis likewise showed nothing. - 3
They weren't even connected to its pelvis and couldn't have supported its weight.