释义 |
- 北京猿人:指在中国北京周口店发现的一种古人类化石,学名叫“直立人”,生活在距今约50万年前的旧石器时代。
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Peking Man, who lived from about 460,000 BC to 230,000 BC and who was able to use fire and make stone tools, is a good example of early Old stone Age men. 北京人大约生活在公元前460,000年到230,000年之间,能够用活,并能制造石头工具,是早期旧石器时代人类的一个好实例。 - 2
In early days, women were forbidden to enter theatres, so all Peking Opera performers were men. - 3
Until the mid-20th century, men performed all roles in Peking Opera, using elaborate and stylized costumes and makeup to show the type of character being portrayed. 直到二十世纪中期为止,男人担当了京剧里的所有角色,使用精心制作的和城市化的头饰和化妆品,来表示所描绘的角色的特征。