在酒品方面,单一麦芽威士忌从艾柏迪(Aberfeldy)到山崎(Yamazaki),调和威士忌从尊尼获加(Johnnie Walker)到响(Hibiki),以及最知名的那些波本和黑麦威士忌,从水牛足迹到...
上一篇: 阿伯费尔地(Aberfeldy) 下一篇: 单一麦芽威士忌的品尝
... 表演者: Aberfeldy 版本特性: Import 出版者: Rough Trade ...
Hopefully The Birks can bring a little magic to Aberfeldy and the whole of Highland Perthshire.
BBC: Aberfeldy's Birks Cinema appoints general manager
The seven-year project to restore a 1930s cinema in the Perthshire town of Aberfeldy has been completed.
BBC: Birks Cinema
He was called Lord Aberfeldy but he wasn't a peer at all - he was an intelligence officer.
BBC: The Nazi prisoners bugged by Germans