n.奥兹莫比尔:一家美国汽车品牌,由兰斯姆·奥兹莫比尔(Ransom E. Olds)于1897年创立,2004年停产。奥兹莫比尔曾是美国汽车制造商通用汽车公司(General Motors)的一个部分。
First, Ford was founded by a notorious anti-Semite, which is probably why my father bought Oldsmobiles all those years ago.
WSJ: Abby Schachter: Searching for a Star-Spangled Minivan
Plenty of Oldsmobiles are still on the road today, and continue to receive service through GM dealers and the independent aftermarket industry.
CNN: The fate of four GM brands
It's not even GM's first attempt to share design: Remember the Buicks and Oldsmobiles in the 1980s and early 1990s that were barely distinguishable from one another?