杰克逊外号 “老山胡桃” (Old Hickory),从此安息归入天家。
美国化工巨头杜邦公司在田纳西州的旧希科里(Old Hickory)装置已经在2004年8月份正式投产,该装置耗资1.30亿美元(1.074亿欧元),主要生产医疗专用无纺布。
位被誉为 这 安德鲁·杰克逊 第七 一亿一千九 “老胡桃木”(old hickory)的..
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As a result, the Old Hickory reservoir swelled and threatened to rise over the top of its dam.
MSN: Hotel company accuses government of negligence
Since the days of Old Hickory, the third year of a term has produced 31 up years and only 11 down years.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Ultimately, Old Hickory would drive Florida's Indians west on the Trail of Tears and open their land and the rest of the state for slavery.
WSJ: Book Review: Finding Florida