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1 ?名字 ... 名字: Pilley 姓: Peggy 标签: Peggy Pilley ...
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For many years, John Pilley, 83, taught psychology at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. His specialty was animal learning. 83岁高龄的大学心理学教授约翰·皮利是动物习得领域的专家,在1996年退休之后继续研究他的宠物察塞。 - 2
Pilley worked with Chaser four or five hours a day.He'd show her an object, a soft toy, for example, give it a name, and repeat it until Chaser understood the association. 皮利每天教察塞学习4到5小时,皮利先会给这只狗展示一个物品,比如一只玩具,然后不断地重复玩具的名字,直到察塞明白它的关联。 - 3
Pilley worked with Chaser four or five hours a day. He'd show her an object, a soft toy, for example, give it a name, and repeat it until Chaser understood the association. 皮利每天教察塞学习4到5小时,皮利先会给这只狗展示一个物品,比如一只玩具,然后不断地重复玩具的名字,直到察塞明白它的关联。