释义 |
- n.壁柱:建筑物墙壁上的嵌入式柱子,通常用于装饰和支撑。
1 ?扁柱 ... 梁头柱(CORBELS) 扁柱(PILASTERS) 玻璃钢(FRP)罗马柱(FRP Columns) ... 2 ?壁柱 ... moldings(线脚) pilasters(壁柱) Samples ornament (decorations) 装饰物 ...
- 1
It is a spacious apartment, with gilded pillars and pilasters, and pictured walls and ceilings. 这是一间宽敞的房间,有镀金的大柱和壁柱,墙上和天花板都有图画。 - 2
It was a large square wooden structure, with tongued and grooved walls painted pale green and white, a Corinthian portico, and fluted pilasters between the Windows. 那是个巨大的方形木制建筑物,企口接缝的墙壁涂成淡绿色和白色,一道科林斯式的圆柱门廊,窗与窗之间是刻有四槽的半露柱。 - 3
I hope my poem is about loss, not nostalgia, that the tenor singing an Italian aria, like the ruined pilasters of the theater, suggests an historical dimension of loss. 我希望我的诗表现的是失落,而非乡愁,如同那名男高音唱着意大利咏叹调,宛如剧院的断壁颓垣,都流露出历史的失落。