释义 |
1 ?非中动 ...法把语态分为中动态(middle)和有效态(effective),有效态又分为主动语态和被动语态,其中有效态也可称作非中动(non-middle)。如果某个过程,本身只与一个参加者(participant)有关,不涉及其他参加者,表示这个过程的小句就处于中动语态。
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Generally I pay for the highest level of non-glare coatings and I usually pick the middle of the thin-lens options (my personal prescription rules out the thinnest, lightest lenses). 我一般选择最高级的防辐射镀膜镜片,并且挑选中薄的(我的个人验光处方上规定最薄最轻的镜片)。 - 2
But its exiled leaders, as elsewhere in the Middle East, are at pains to promote a non-violent vision. 但是该组织流亡的领导人,如同在中东的其他国家,正在全力推展一个非暴力的愿景。 - 3
The middle temperatures are right near that indoor 24, and the neighboring readings, while definitely non-freezing, are distinctly lower. 中间的温度恰好与室内的24度接近,而它相邻的读数虽然明显不至于结冰,但是显然比较低。