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1 [贸易]?货物明细单 ... parcel receipt 包裹收据, 包裹提单 particular of cargo 货物明细单 post receipt 邮政收据 ...
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The rivers carry with them a cargo of nutrients, in particular nitrogen, from farms in the watershed. 这些川流携带了大量营养物质,尤其是来自流域内各农场的氮。 - 2
In particular, the aircraft is unlikely to have any Windows because passengers will be huddled together in the centre of the airliner, surrounded by cargo and fuel. 特别值得一提的是,这种飞机不太可能装配任何的窗门,因为届时乘客会在客机中央挤作一团,周围摆放着行李和燃料。 - 3
The object of voyage estimating is to calculate the return that a ship will make after deducting the expenses from the income of a particular voyage, or the lowest cost of moving the cargo. 航次估算的目的是为了计算一个航次船舶运输收入减去费用后的收益或货物的最低运输成本。