释义 |
1 ?部分范畴 ... 部分进位 partial carry 部分范畴 partial category 部分可计算性 partial computability ...
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As well as the traditional beard category there are another 14 chances for the hairy, including goatee, sideburns freestyle, Hungarian moustache and imperial partial beard competitions. 除了参加基于传统胡须分类的比赛,胡须选手们还可以参加山羊胡、鬓角自由式、匈牙利小胡子和国王脸部局部胡子等14种胡须比赛。 - 2
The partial beard category is divided into natural, Chinese, Imperial, Musketeer, sideburns, and freestyle categories. 局部胡须的种类还可分为自然风、中国风、帝王式、步兵式、鬓角式和自由式。 - 3
It is proved that for a partial semigroup g, the category of G-unions and the category of G-graded rings are isomorphic. 同时对盟定义了盟模,并证明了对部分半群g,所有G -盟作成的范畴与所有G -分次环作成的范畴是同构的。